Facebook: 5 ways to leverage your page

Facebook is currently the most popular, and arguably important, social media platform. Many think that if you don’t have a presence on this service, you are missing out or are behind the times. As such, companies have flocked to the service with hopes of reaching more customers. The truth is, it takes more than just a profile to leverage your presence on Facebook.

Here are five tips that you can use to help you get more out of your Facebook page.

1. Don’t be a zombie
Facebook, and all social media for that matter, is more like a talk show than the Walking Dead (a TV show about survival in a zombie apocalypse). You can’t simply set up a profile with basic information and let it ‘wander around mindlessly’. A zombie account that has no interaction, posts, updated information etc, will likely be avoided.

The key to a good Facebook presence is that you are active. This means sharing, posting, commenting, liking, etc. Having an active page will go a long way in cementing your brand. Like a good talk show, if users can interact they will likely stay interested and willing to learn more. This will positively affect your brand.

Beyond being active, you need to come across as human. Actions like signing your posts with your name, making an odd mistake (yes, we know, mistakes? But you are human, you make them), interacting with people, etc., will do you good. A great way to come across as human on your business’s profile is to reply to all comments, even the bad ones.

2. Eat your Wheaties
A healthy body is a regular body; a healthy Facebook page is similar to this: Content is posted on a regular basis. The frequency of your posts will tend to vary depending on which expert you talk to. However, most will agree that fewer than two posts a week will not engage your followers. Many recommend that small businesses post between five and seven times a week – once a day basically.

3. Be a boastful Bob
Many of us grew up being told not to brag. When it comes to social media, bragging is not only ok, it’s a part of life. If something great happens in/to the company, by all means brag about it. Just be careful, it’s still not professional to constantly brag.

A good example of when to brag is when your business is featured in a trusted source (news, blog, radio, etc) or receives an award. Sharing this news makes your business not only look more credible, but more professional; a real expert in your field.

4. Share and share a lot
Businesses often struggle to come up with unique content on a regular basis. If this sounds like your company, don’t worry. The first thing you have to realize about Facebook is that almost nothing is original. Peruse any profile and you will see that people share a lot of content, most of which isn’t theirs.

For businesses, it’s perfectly acceptable to share content that isn’t yours. If you come across a great article that’s relevant to your company and you think your followers will enjoy, go ahead and share it. Have you found a funny comic, picture, video, site, etc.? Share it.

There is no limit on what you can share, as long as you attribute it. Writing a post like: ‘Check out this great article on customer service from this company [use the name].’ is fine. That being said, you should have some original content. A successful strategy may be to have one post out of five being content you have created, three to four shared content and one company news.

5. Highlight and pin what’s important to your company
If you have some important information or news that you want your followers to see, you can highlight them on your page. This will expand the post, so that it takes up the whole width of the Timeline, making it easier to see. Combine this with a bigger image, and the news will really stand out.

To highlight a post/status, hover over the top-right of the post (after you have posted it to your timeline) and look for the star beside the pencil. Press it, and the post will be highlighted.

If you want a post to stay at the top of your Timeline, you can pin it there for one week. This is done by hovering over the top-right of the post and pressing the pencil icon. From the dropdown menu, select Pin to top.

Facebook can be a useful tool in growing your business or establishing a quality brand. If you are looking for more ways you can leverage your company’s page, please contact us today.

Published on 1st May 2013 by Jeanne DeWitt.

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