Five profitable reasons to switch to ERP

The accounting software that you have been using for the past…how many?…years may help you keep the bills paid and file your taxes, but it is helping you increase profits? In the past, it was enough for financial management to report on past transaction and results. With the pace of change today, it’s dangerous to be looking in the rear view mirror instead of what’s ahead.

Look forward to profits

More and more businesses are switching from accounting systems to ERP so they can take a more proactive approach to managing their business. ERP connects information across the organization to give you better control and insight. You can build profits with ERP through:

  1. Identifying trends and opportunities – Most accounting software limits the way that you can look at revenue and customer data. With ERP, you have more flexibility to analyze data to spot customer preferences and emerging opportunities.
  2. Growing the business without adding more people – Every time you add an employee, you impact the profitability of the business. ERP allows you to automate processes that support scale in a growing business.
  3. Improving customer service – Customers expect you to know about every interaction they have with your business. When employees have customer information in one place, they can answer questions quickly and correctly…the first time.
  4. Managing risk – Data has become the lifeblood of every business. Profits are at risk when data is spread across systems and devices without proper controls.
  5. Delivering information to your people – Whether you have employees who deliver services in the field or workers at home, they need to have the information to do their jobs efficiently. ERP can unlock the data that they need to provide better customer service and make better decisions.

You don’t need to feel like you are always looking to the past. The future is far more exciting.  A forward looking ERP system is not out of your reach – more affordable and easy to use than you think. Let’s talk about the possibilities.

Published on 16th July 2013 by Jeanne DeWitt.

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