In the age of the cloud, software has to be agile if it’s to keep up with the frequent changes to the systems on which it will be installed. Because of this fast pace, software is often released less than 100% finished. Sure, it’s useful, but it will need updates over time to fix bugs or introduce new features. Microsoft Office 365 fits this category of software and will see a small update in early March to make it more useable.
The Office 365 update will focus largely on the sign-in process, and making it not only more efficient, but simpler. While this won’t be a massive change, users who access their accounts on more than one device will find it much easier to do so.
Possibly the most intriguing thing about this redesign is that when you navigate to the login screen, the window will automatically resize to the resolution of your monitor or device. If you are on a handheld device like your tablet, the sign-in screen will now fit the screen size, instead of you having to zoom in to be able to see what you are typing.
This new layout will be best viewed on machines and browsers that are up to date, so be sure to keep the device/browser you use to access Office 365 updated.
Microsoft has also noted that this update will extend Single Sign On (SSO) for Office 365 capabilities. SSO can be boiled down to logging in once in order to access all services related to that software. For example, you can login to Office 365, and also be able to access SkyDrive, Lync or other Microsoft based services without having to individually log in to those sites. The update will expand the SSO capabilities, so employees won’t have to log in to multiple Microsoft programs once they have logged in the first time.
While not a huge update, it is one that makes the Office 365 system even more user friendly, which is great for those in your company who may not be the most tech savvy. You should notice this in early to mid March, or may have already been asked if you would like to try the new layout. You will have to opt-in on an individual basis.
If you would like to learn more about Office 365, or are interested in how it can help your business, why not contact us? We are happy to sit down and discuss your options with you.
Published on 26th February 2013 by Jeanne DeWitt.